10 Times Getting Laid Got People Killed in Horror Movies

Rule number one for surviving in a horror movie: never have sex.


In the classic ’90s slasher Scream, the film’s most self-aware character, Randy, warns his horny teenage peers about the cardinal rule of surviving a horror film: “You can never have sex. Sex equals death.” Of course, none of the characters heed his advice, and all meet their ends in various blood-soaked ways, some with their slit throats and other’s with their heads crushed by garage doors.

Other gore fests are less forgiving than Scream. In fact, some of the most intense kills in the history of horror—from the classic Halloween to modern-day masterpiece Snakes on a Plane—go down just as characters are getting it on. Usually they’re too caught up in the throes of passion to realize serious shit (the presence of snakes on a plane, for one) is about to go down. That’s why it’s often only the token virgin who survives.

Just in time for Halloween, Maxim revisits the 10 most gruesome horror sex/death scenes of all time. If you haven’t seen some of these consider yourself warned: spoiler alert! 

Friday the 13th: Part 2 (1981)

Halloween (1978)

Halloween II (1981)

The Last House on the Left (1972)


Species (1995)

American Psycho (2000)


Snakes on a Plane (2006)

Teeth (2007)

Gone Girl (2014)


Hatchet II (2010)


Happy boning, folks!

h/t Cosmopolitan
