The Hot 10: Katie Stevens

MTV's hit rom-com series can credit its success to above average writing, this beautiful face.

Katie Stevens was always willing to put in the extra work. Unlike many of her peers, the 22-year old beauty claims to actually enjoy the audition process. Too bad for her because her days of announcing herself to skeptical executive producers are probably over. Stevens got her big break with MTV’s Faking It, a show that is about sex without, you know, actually being about sex. “All the other roles didn’t work out for a reason,” she said. “It was a role I was meant to get.” Katie may have never faked being a lesbian like her character Karma, but she channels her own experiences with the romantic, dreamy way she looks at life and the people in it. Sounds like a perfect role written for the perfect actress.

Katie spoke with Maxim about girls with curves and being a little spontaneous.

I’ve always wanted to be a chef. Starting young, I was really good at making cereal. Plus, I’m Portuguese so I’m realy good on the grill – I can make a really mean steak. I’m a big Pinterest fan too, so I’m constantly on that thing looking for recipes, almost obsessively.

I feel sexiest in my underwear and a t-shirt,like a big oversized t-shirt or button down. It just makes me feel like a woman.

I don’t want to jinx myself because if this goes wrong, it’ll be bad, but I never really have to focus on working out my butt. It has a nice round shape. I think I just get it from my Portuguese background, so I hope it’s genetic. I used to be a runner and competitive swimmer too, so my legs are pretty toned. I just really like my ass and my legs.

I like a challenge. A guy has to be witty and funny and kind of sarcastic. Not a sarcastic asshole, but more charming. I have that kind of sarcastic humor and I like being a smartass sometimes so if someone can reciprocate that, I’m all about it.

My obsession with sushi is crazy. It’s kind of bad because I would eat it every day if there wasn’t a chance I could die of mercury poisoning [laughs].

There’s that whole thing going on, that lumbersexual thing where you have a giant beard and you look like you’re going to chop some wood. I’m not into that too much, but I like some facial hair. I’m that girl that likes to guess if you’ve showered or not [laughs]. I like tattoos also.. that bad boy look, but good at heart.

I like spontaneity. I would want to go on a fun date, where a guy picks me up and we go on a surprise road trip or something. Not somewhere too far, ya know, maybe like San Diego or Santa Barbara. No definite plans, just us figuring it out together.

I love girls that have bodies.Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Vergara – they’re all just gorgeous. I aspire to look like J. Lo when I’m her age. Another girl crush of mine, like the crush, is Jennifer Aniston. I just want to be their friends and find out what the secret formula is.

Can I choose my couch for a favorite spot to hang out? It’s just so comfortable! I can just grab a bottle of wine, a movie, and fall asleep.

Right now, I just hope that Faking It continues on for more seasons. I’m looking to work in film and continue on with my country music in Nashville, and I can’t wait to release music to my fans!

Photos by Alex Dean

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