Here’s the recipe for the lazy man’s perfect Super Bowl snack.
This weekend the ambitious idea of making 30-ingredient chili or chorizo quesadillas for your Super Bowl party may sound awesome, but come next Sunday it’s unlikely you’ll be jumping out of bed bright and early to go grocery shopping (or that you’ll be inclined to leave your house at all). So here’s a more realistic Super Bowl snack idea from the folks at Oscar Mayer that won’t even require you to wash the dishes after your messy, ungrateful friends leave: “Pork By Fork” – no pig on a spit in your backyard required.
1 snack-sized bag of potato chips
1/2 cup Oscar Mayer Carving Board Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork (this is their version, obviously – we’re guessing just about any meat’ll do it)
BBQ sauce
Jalapenos, shredded cheese, black olives, hot sauce, coleslaw…any topping that sounds good!
Heat the pulled pork in a microwave safe container
Add the pork along with your topics of choice to the bag of chips and top with BBQ sauce
Crunch the bag exterior to mash up the ingredients
Stick a fork in it and eat!
Along these lines, we’ve also managed to independently invent “cheese in a cup” (mix grated cheese with ketchup, eat with spoon), “bread in a tub” (squash bread into a mostly empty tub of butter, smear along the sides for swift and easy application) and “meat in our hand” (it’s a handful of meat. That you eat). Now don’t say we never provide any useful info for the terminally lazy among you, okay?
Super Bowl Eats
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How To Make A Snack (Inside A Bag of Chips)
Here's the recipe for the lazy man's perfect Super Bowl snack.