Hulk Hogan’s Leaked 1998 WCW Contract Is Unreal

The Hulkster got more than just a ton of cash.

In 1994, the WCW was a fledgling wrestling promotion that couldn’t work its way out of the WWF’s shadow. That is, until it poached the biggest wrestler in the world from the company that made him famous. When Hulk Hogan signed on with the WCW in 1994 he and WWF (now WWE) honcho Vince McMahon were on the outs. Meanwhile, the head of the WCW, Eric Bischoff, was ready to make a splash.

And he did — but it didn’t come without a cost. Hogan was a superstar when he signed with the WCW and he demanded a superstar’s salary. On Tuesday, Reddit user RamonesRazor posted a copy of the contract that Hogan signed in 1998, four years into his relationship with the WCW, and it’s a doozy. (We did not receive a response from Hogan’s representation to inquiries regarding the authenticity of the document and will update this story when we hear back.) 

Here are some highlights:

Sure, it looks like the WCW gave an arm and a leg to lure the wrestling icon into the ring, but it was worth it: Bringing Hogan to the WCW was a game changer, elevating the promotion’s signature show, Monday Nitro, over the WWE’s Monday Night Raw. However, it was always suspected that Hogan’s huge contractual demands hamstrung the WCW as it struggled to sustain popularity after the initial surge. Now we know more.

Photos by Russell Turiak / Getty Images

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