I Want You Inside Me: Chocolate Bacon

Once again, the Epic Meal Time guys make all your gluttonous dreams come true.

Once again, the Epic Meal Time guys make all your gluttonous dreams come true.

Sometimes you just want dessert for breakfast. Or you want bacon for dessert. Or you want to raise your blood pressure — fast. Well, the fellas over at Epic Meal Time are here to help you with all of that. In the inaugural video of their new video series, Handle It, they demonstrate three ways to combine two of nature’s most beloved ingredients: bacon and chocolate. Watch it and just try not to lick the screen.

Want more weird food to look at? Check out what happened when Maxim editors had to answer “What’s In Your Mouth?”

Read about what happens when you send a Maxim editor to Dublin for 72 hours. Hint: Booze, food, booze, and booze.

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