This Video Explains Why Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Inglourious Basterds’ Is So Damn Suspenseful

There's a reason why Tarantino says this is one of his favorite scenes ever...

You may come to a Quentin Tarantino film eager for bloods and guts, but its the tightly-wound suspense that stays with you.

A video posted to YouTube by Lessons from the Screenplay dissects the most blood-curdling scene from Tarantino’s 2009 masterpiece Inglourious Basterds. It’s not the epically bloody Nazi massacre finale in the theater hall, but rather the opening sequence, wherein Colonel Hans Landa stops by a small French dairy farm in search of hiding Jews.


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The video dissects the scene and provides a clear algorithm as the why the scene is quantifiably one of the most suspense-inducing in cinematic history. The key is to carefully introduce tension and unease and then clearly establish the suspense afterwords. 

It’s no wonder that Tarantino described Landa, played by the great Christoph Waltz, as the greatest character he’s ever written, according to the U.K. Telegraph.

“Landa is the best character I’ve ever written and maybe the best I ever will write,” he told the crowd. “I didn’t realise [when I was first writing him] that he was a linguistic genius. He’s probably one of the only Nazis in history who could speak perfect Yiddish.”

See for yourself in the video above. 

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