Meet ‘The Iranian Hulk’ And His Insane Instagram Photos

This musclebound monster is gunning for a career in the WWE.

Before the age of Instagram, 24-year-old Persian power lifter Sajad Gharibi would have had little chance at fame. He could have found a gig as a circus freak or learned to weave rugs out of his body hair, but neither of those pursuits would have gotten tens of thousands of fans from across the world.

But Gharibi was lucky enough to be born in a time when a remarkable body is all it takes to become Instagram famous. And this dude’s body is nuts. 

Gharibi has earned the nickname “The Iranian Hulk.” Some call him “The Persian Hercules.” If you found yourself in a public restroom with him, you’d call him “That dude who asked you to help wipe.” 

Gharibi can reportedly lift up to 386 lbs, which doesn’t sound like much for someone built like a grizzly. 

No matter. He’s not trying to become an Olympic lifter. Gharibi has his sights set on a career in the WWE, and he even recently called out wrestler Triple-H.

Vince McMahon, it’s time to reach out to this guy. 

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