It’s Crystal Clear: “Breaking Bad” Is Ending

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Shave your head and grow a goatee, because it’s finally time to feed your addiction to the best show on TV.

Photo: Frank Ockenfels / AMC 

Clear August 11th on your calendar. No, seriously we’ll wait. Done? Good, cause that’s the day that Breaking Bad—not the ’90s drama version or some hypothetical spinoff—is returning to TV. AMC has announced that not only will we finally get to see the final eight episodes that comprise the second half of Season 5, but we’ll also get something called Talking Bad. Seemingly inspired by the post-Walking Dead’s super successful Talking Dead, this half-hour live after show will follow each episode and “dissect every detail” of the misadventures of Walter, Jesse, Hank, and the rest of the Breaking Bad gang. If the analysts are anything like us, Talking Bad will primarily consist of people shouting “Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!” at each other for thirty minutes. We can’t wait.

Breaking Bad returns August 11 at 9pm on AMC.

Get more Breaking Bad on with Is Saul Getting His Own “Breaking Bad” Spinoff? and It’s “Breaking Bad” in the Style of a Cheesy ’90s Drama.

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