It’s Paul, Y’all

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost bring the extra terrestrial funny.

If you’ve seen Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, you know the two geeky Brit funnymen are purveyors of comedy gold. And if you haven’t – what the hell, man? Their new movie sees them having a close encounter of the nerd kind as they meet Paul, a friendly alien (voiced by Seth Rogan) as he tries to escape the authorities (especially Arrested Development star Jason Bateman). “Phone home” and tell everyone you know to watch it!,AAABnwxt8sE~,TdyFq09iMr7kioKT_wX2C8w8xLyk5_f2&bctid=1844160107001

Can’t get enough of these Paul-stars?

Maxim Investigates: Can Nick Frost and Simon Pegg make America safe for the British Comedy Invasion?

Join Maxim and the cast of Paul for an out of this world SXSW party!

And our friends at College Humor have exciting footage of Frost and Pegg’s Star Wars movie.

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