Watch: Matt Damon Is Out for Blood in the Action-Packed First Trailer for ‘Jason Bourne’

"I know who I am."

We have a few favorite versions of Matt Damon. There’s Good Will Hunting‘s Sad Damon, The Martian‘s Cad Damon, and the ever-delightful Bad Damon from Team America: World Police. But none of these Matts Damon compare to the ass-kicking, skull-crushing, life-ruining fury of Mad Damon as amnesiac super-spy Jason Bourne.

While Universal Studios teased a short snipped of the fifth installment in the Jason Bourne franchise — simply titled, Jason Bourne, thank God — during the Super Bowl, we were finally able to feast our eyes on a whole 2:30 of wild chase sequences, explosions, and some seriously intense hand-to-hand combat on Thursday morning. And trust us, it’s glorious.

Damon returns for his fourth turn in the franchise (sorry, Jeremy Renner) accompanied by Julie Stiles, Alicia Vikander (of sultry Ex Machina fame), and the ever-dour Tommy Lee Jones.

Jason Bourne hit theaters on July 29th, 2016

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