Our prayers have been answered: resident cool girls Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer plan to co-star as sisters in a screenplay they are writing together. Lawrence made the big reveal in an interview with the New York Times to promote The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2.
The actors became fast friends this summer after Lawrence mailed Schumer to praise her movie Trainwreck.
[I] said, ‘I don’t know where to get started. I guess I should just say it: I’m in love with you,’” Lawrence told the Times.
The new writing partners have worked quickly, and Lawrence said the screenplay is nearly finished. “It just flowed right out of us.”
“Amy and I were creatively made for each other,” she continued. “We have different flavors. It’s been the most fun experience of my life. We start the day off on the phone, laughing. And then we send each other pages. And we crack up. I’m flying out tomorrow to see her in Chicago. We’ll write a little bit with her sister, Kim, who worked with Amy when she was writingTrainwreck.”
During the interview, Lawrence texted Schumer to let her know she had spilled the beans. Now that the news is out, the dream team should have no trouble finding a studio for their screenplay. Let’s make this happen!
Photos by L: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for MTV, R: Kevin Winter/Getty Images