Can we have “Creepy Doppelgängers” for $1000 please, Alex?
Image via Twitpic / @dhm
We’re pretty bummed that the time-travel flick Looper got snubbed by the snobby Academy Awards this morning. Not only because it was awesome and mind-bendy, but also because we’re pretty sure the plot—in which someone encounters his former self—happened on Jeopardy! last night. Check out “Brett,” who is a dead ringer for erudite host (and all-around survivor) Alex Trebek. Sure, they didn’t have a weird conversation at a diner, but we’re guessing things were still kinda awkward. (C’mon, the guys even have matching mustaches!)
The 10 Most Hilariously Wrong Answers on Jeopardy!
Geeky Girls
“Jeopardy!” Contestant Looks Like Alex Trebek
Can we have "Creepy Doppelgängers" for $1000 please, Alex?