You’ll Have to Wait 100 Years To Watch The New John Malkovich Movie (Seriously)
He hatched the strange plan with the director of ‘Sin City.’

In a bizarre gesture that could only be welcome at a place like Cannes Film Festival (even then, maybe not), director Robert Rodriguez (Sin City) and John Malkovich have announced they will be “showcasing” a film at Cannes that is set for release in 100 years.
100 Years – The Movie You Will Never See is a partnership with Louis XIII cognac, and is set to be released on Nov. 18, 2115, after we are all long dead (unless John Malkovich is actually an immortal space invader, which wouldn’t be totally unexpected.) The film will be housed in a Louis XIII cellar in Cognac, France until that time.
According to a press released quoted by Entertainment Weekly: the “special safe that will open automatically in 100 years when the timing is complete.” But what if no one is there when it opens? No further details were given.
“100 Years starring John Malkovich is clearly an innovative cinematographic project,” Thierry Frémaux, general delegate of Cannes Film Festival, said euphemistically in a statement. “I hope that our descendants will consider the movie 100 Years for the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival in 2116.”
I’ll say this: if the planet does not self-destruct in the next century, I guess it would be kind of a cool to see a 100 year-old movie unearthed for the first time, even movies even exist that far into the future.