Here’s the Insane Workout That Got Josh Brolin Jacked for ‘Deadpool 2’

Josh Brolin Cable Workout Promo
Left: Instagram/@joshbrolin

Left: Instagram/@joshbrolin

Ryan Reynolds isn’t the only one who brutalized his body to get totally yoked for Deadpool 2

Josh Brolin, who played a trigger-happy Cable in the blockbuster superhero movie, stunned audiences with an equally shredded physique.

Men’s Health interviewed LA-based trainer and former pro bodybuilder Justin Lovato to find out how he got the 50-year-old actor in super soldier shape over an intense three-month period. 

“When we got that phone call saying that he booked this role and it was going to be one of the biggest roles for one of the biggest movies, we had to dive right in,” Lovato told Men’s Health. “He took it real seriously… training three hours a day.”

Lovato isn’t kidding. Brolin documented the transformation in Instagram workout videos accompanied by absolutely savage captions. 

“The act of making noise as if you’re in the jungle, like you’re a lion mating, let’s call it, and making sure everyone in the gym hears you,” Brolin wrote. “Scream your manliness.”

Truth be told, Brolin probably needed to adopt that over-the-top alpha attitude to conquer an ever-changing program. 

“These workouts changed every single day,” Lovato said, “so we’re consistently confusing the body, changing it up, making it not adaptable, but making him work and learn each day.”

Lovato details the full 12-week regimen in a comic book-style ebook, Cable Built. 

Think you you’ve got what it takes to get in Cable shape? Courtesy of Men’s Health, here’s the back-heavy portion of the workout that got Brolin jacked for Deadpool 2:


(Perform each over a distance of 20 yards there and back, 3 times)

Side Lateral Shuffle

High Skip Jump

Backpedal to Sprint

Foot Speed Drill

Defensive Shuffle


Frog Jumps/Bounds


Standing DB Hammer Curl
5 sets of 20 reps

5 sets of 20 reps

Sled Push
120 yards

Battle Rope Slams
60 hits

Treadmill Walk
30 minutes at 15 incline, 3.0 mph


5 sets of 12 to 15 reps, 2 minute rest between sets

Neutral Grip Cable Lat Pulldowns
2 sets of 12, 15, 6, 8 reps, 2 minute rest between sets

Seated Wide Grip Cable Rows
3 sets of 10 to 15 reps, 2 minute rest between sets

Shoulder Width Pronated Cable Lat Pulldowns
3 sets of 10 to 15 reps, 2 minute rest between sets

Smith Machine Pendlay Rows
5 sets of 10 to 12 reps

Treadmill Walk 30 minutes at 15 incline, 3.0 mph
30 minutes at 15 incline, 3.0 mph

h/t: BroBible

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