This ‘Justice League’ Video is Packed With Killer Behind-the-Scenes Footage
DC fans are going to want to see this.

There was no behind-the-scenes drama of superhero proportions on the set of the recently-completed Justice League, wherein Wonder Woman hurled her golden tiara at PAs who failed to get her coffee order right (hypothetically).
But rather, this new behind-the-scenes clip shared by director Zack Snyder on Twitter revealed the last day of filming in the U.K. was a light-hearted occasion. Stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller and others seemingly had as much fun pantomiming fight sequences in front of green screens as you might expect.
The juxtaposition of what the actual set looked like and what the final product, with all the CGI bells and whistles, will look like is a must-see for any DC diehard. And as Gizmodo pointed out, “That shot of the Justice League in an elevator is just rad.”
See the finished product on Nov. 17, 2017 when Justice League hits theaters.