Kylo Ren Is An ‘Undercover Boss’ In SNL Digital Short
The blonde wig made him look like Napoleon Dynamite.

Fresh from his villainous turn as Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Adam Driver put in his “emerging star” duty hosting a new Saturday Night Live.
Driver acquitted himself well, showing some pretty solid, silly comedy chops. Those chops were put to great use in a hilarious digital short depicting his tormented, twisted Star Wars bad guy doing a turn on the workplace reality show, Undercover Boss.
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Driver makes great use of turning his intensity as Ren into a key part of the comedy here, and the result is one of the better digital shorts SNL has turned out in some time.
We couldn’t stop noticing just how much Adam Driver in a blond wig reminded us of another intense movie character, Napoleon Dynamite.

Come on, you know you see it too.