Exclusive: Watch Charlotte McKinney Get Raunchy in NSFW ‘The Late Bloomer’ Trailer

You're gonna wanna see this.


Imagine you’re a licensed sex therapist, and the beautiful Charlotte McKinney is your hot-to-trot patient. When she vents her sexual frustrations on you, confessing, “I want your balls in my mouth”, do you remain professional or give your patient what she wants?

Well unless you’re a sexless runt, you just might go along with it, right?

That’s the crux of a forthcoming raunchy comedy The Late Bloomer, which follows an asexual sex therapist who learns that, due to a brain tumor, he never actually went through puberty. That explains why he, against all better judgement, turns down poor Charlotte.

But when he’s zapped with hormone therapy, he goes through puberty in three short weeks, with the resulting antics (getting his first morning wood, getting turned on by breasts for the first time, etc.) playing out to hilarious effect.

Catch The Late Bloomer, and more of Charlotte’s racy cameo, in theaters on October 7.

And don’t forget to watch Maxim’s  exclusive Red Band trailer above.

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