You’re from San Diego; do you have a favorite memory of Comic-Con from growing up?
I always wanted to go, but I didn’t know how to get tickets and I wasn’t into it enough, so I basically steered clear of downtown when it was going on. I actually haven’t really seen any of this before, it’s amazing.
So, tell us a little about Banshee.
It’s about the most notorious thief in the country getting out of jail after 15 years. He goes to the little town of Banshee; he finds out through an old friend of his where his ex-lover has gone. He finds her, but she’s now married with a different name. So they find each other and then he somehow accidently assumes the identity of the sheriff. And then my character comes in from the Amish side – it’s a little Amish town as well – so I’m an Amish girl by day and a little tart by night.
After your experience of playing her, do you think you could ever survive in an Amish town?
No, I’m too lazy. I don’t want to be picking corn or whatever they do, I’m from San Diego!
So if you were in that situation, you might be a little bit like your character?
Oh yeah, definitely. I’d definitely find some way to get out of that life, it’s so crazy. I looked up a bunch of stuff, even down to the special kind of underwear that women have to wear, it’s insane.
Tell us about season two.
God, I don’t know if I can give away anything. Season 2, it’s kind of a dark season, I have to say. My character is still kind of choosing between which side she wants to be in, the real world or the Amish world. They have to clean up the old mess from season one and then new messes come along and I’m going to be shot if I tell you more.
What was the last thing you had to apologize for?
I don’t know, I don’t apologize a lot. Usually other people apologize to me! [Laughs] No. I’m just kidding. “I never do anything wrong, I’m perfect.” I’m sorry for saying that, there’s my apology.
What is your favorite curse word or phrase?
I probably say fuck the most. Classic.
What is the worst hangover you’ve ever had?
I’m not 21, so none!
What was your first car?
A Mini Cooper. I still have it. I got it a few years ago, I used my dad’s car before that which was an old Honda Accord, but the first car I bought myself was a Mini Cooper.
Do you have a scar that tells a story?
This scar on my leg I got when I was in Hawaii snorkeling on the coral reef.
Can’t that be poisonous sometimes?
Yes, but I was ok – apparently, maybe, I don’t know. The thing that popped in my head was like, “Holy shit, this hurts,” and then, “I better get out of the water, there’s going to be a shark.”
Do you have a party trick?
I try to make people laugh, and usually I fail.
What is the biggest thing you’ve ever put in your mouth?
Probably like a hamburger, I guess. An In and Out double-double. Pizza is my favorite crappy food though.
Who was the last person to see you naked?
That would be America, on Banshee.
What is the one thing to remember in a fist fight?
No rules. Use your nails, pull hair, scratch, poke the eyes out. I don’t know how to fight so that’s what I would do.
If I ruled the world for a day I would…
Everyone would get pizza and no one could fight, everyone would be at peace with each other and only say nice things to each other. It would be amazing; everyone would be happy. I should rule the world.
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