We’ve said it before, and we will shout from this be-fringed soap-box until the last cone-bra has gone concave: Madonna is a very powerful woman. Need proof? Look no further than Madonna’s latest video, ”B**** I’m Madonna,” in which Beyoncé—appropriately egotistical singer of songs like “Diva,” “Yoncé,”Me, Myself, and I, “ and, well, “Ego”—denies her very self and sings, “Bitch, I’m Madonna.” Madonna made Queen Bey bow! (Is there anything Beyoncé won’t do for Tidal?) Filmed at New York’s The Standard, the video benefits from total celebrity overload. While Beyoncé is the biggest deal, “B**** I’m Madonna” includes cameos from Chris Rock, Rita Ora, Diplo (who produced), Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj (featured) and… Alexander Wang. The video is four minutes of magical dance-floor craziness from the country’s premier sorceress and we highly recommend it.
Madonna Included Every Major Pop Star in “B**** I’m Madonna”
Suddenly, Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” looks downright pedestrian.