How To Turn A Humble Watermelon Into a Boozy ‘Wedge of Allegiance’

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Fourth of July cookouts are about more than just celebrating America by gorging on hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks and all manner of grilled meats. It’s also our patriotic duty to keep drinking until the local fireworks display starts to resemble a world-class light show.  

That’s where The Wedge of Allegiance comes in. It’s a sweet and smoky watermelon booze bomb that’s every bit as decadent as the vodka-soaked melon you devoured in college, only emboldened with the elevated flavors of a quality cocktail. Mike Di Tota, of The Bonnie in Queens, New York, dreamed up this fruity ode to freedom especially for Maxim, and for that we salute him. 

“I wanted to make a cocktail inside a fruit,” Di Tota explains. “Not just putting a single liquid into it, but making a cocktail that’s eaten.” With those humble words serving as an origin story, allow us to present a seedy wonder that ranks with bald eagles, monster trucks and deep-fried Big Macs in the pantheon of American awesomeness.

Please stand for The Wedge of Allegiance.


1 large watermelon (15 to 20 pounds)

2 cups tequila

1 cup mezcal

1 cup Campari

½ cup simple syrup

Cilantro (optional)

Sea salt

Red chile flakes


Pour tequila, mezcal, Campari and simple syrup into large bowl or pitcher. Stir to combine.

Slice watermelon into 15 to 20 wedges. Place in shallow casserole dish, baking tray or container.

Pour booze mixture evenly over watermelon wedges.

Cover tightly with lid or plastic wrap and chill in refrigerator overnight.

Remove watermelon and top with cilantro, sea salt and chili flakes

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