The tastiest beers to guzzle while watching other men run, jump, and hit for a living.
Miller High Life
Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, WI
Availability: Year-round, nationwide
The champagne of bottled beers: man’s real best friend since 1903.
Saranac Adirondack Lager
Matt Brewing Company, Utica, NY
Availability: Year-round, 26 states
Saranac’s been serving up quality brews like this rich but refreshing German amber lager since 1888. N.Y.: It’s where dreams are made, oh!
Mama’s Little Yella Pils
Oskar Blues Brewery, Longmont, CO
Availability: Year-round, 26 states
A traditional Czech-style pilsner ideal for sun-baked sessions in the parking lot or bleachers.
Yuengling Traditional Lager
D.G. Yuengling & Son
Pottsville, PA
Availability: Year-round, nationwide
Drinks easy with a slightly malty flavor and 4.4 percent ABV—perfect for watching your team tank.
TailGate Beer Jay’s Blacktop Blonde
TailGate Beer, San Diego, CA
Availability: Year-round, in SoCal
A big brew with subtle spice, the little-known sixth Spice Girl.
Bud Light
Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, MO
Availability: Year-round, nationwide
Unfamiliar with it? Might as well renounce your citizenship.
Back in Black IPA
21st Amendment Brewery, San Francisco, CA
Availability: Year-round, 15 states
Badass name, big flavor. Bon Scott would approve.
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