May 2008 (#125)
Elisha Cuthbert is the screen goddess next door. Plus: 300 movies to see before you die, Harrison Ford on Indy 4, X-Files 2‘s Gillian Anderson reveals all, and much more!
Elisha Cuthbert
She made your heart pound on
and cracked you up in
Old School
. now, With two killer movies about to hit theaters, Elisha Cuthbert is staking her claim As Hollywood’s new Queen.
300 Must-See Movies
We’ve compiled the ultimate cinematic to-view list—your Netflix queue just got visibly aroused!
True Romance: An Oral History
The all-star cast dishes the dirt about making one of the coolest films of all time.
Icon: Harrison Ford
Reveals secrets behind the whip, his famous fedora, and the new Indiana Jones movie.
The Super B’s
When the A-list is tapped, Hollywood should look to these second-tier superheroes.
The X Factor
Fanboys, start your obsessing: Gillian Anderson is back in the new X-Files flick.
The Modern Mob
Think the Mafia is dead? Our writer discovers a Mob that’s stronger than ever.
If It’s Out There, It’s In Here
The world’s worst graduation speakers, “e-mail bombs,” and Chuck Palahniuk writes about his newest flick.
Make Us Feel Loved—Or Hated
We sift through the mail for your finest props and put-downs, while Hiroki offers inappropriate advice on life and love.
Your Entertainment Authority
An all-access pass to
, Death Cab for Cutie, and the inside dope on the new
Harold & Kumar
Advice for Everyday Life
Beef up your bachelor party, become a master debater (zing!), chef up a lobster roll, and
Survive the Spring
Class up your act with the 30 essential items of spring, then ditch the kabala bracelet and upgrade your wrist-wear with our expert watch guide.
All The Things You Need to Know
The return of chicks on roller skates, the coolest running shoes on earth, and torture-tested video download services.