All-New ‘Halo’ and ‘Gears of War’ Lead the 10 Biggest E3 Reveals for Xbox One
Here’s everything you need to know.

Microsoft used their turn in the E3 spotlight to focus on the many games coming soon for Xbox and Windows 10, how the company as a whole is putting resources behind their popular gaming division, and how strategic acquisitions and partnerships would keep the Xbox a mainstay of gaming for the foreseeable future.
Huge games for people on any platform, like Fallout 76, Kingdom Hearts 3, Devil May Cry 5 and Cyberpunk 2077, saw plenty of time to shine on Xbox’s stage, but here are the upcoming experiences you’ll only be able to get on Xbox One or a Windows PC.
1. Halo Infinite
The crowd went wild for the first confirmation we got of a new Halo adventure, and rightfully so. What better way to start an E3 presentation than showing off Xbox’s cornerstone icon? We just scratched the surface of what we’ll learn about Halo Infinite, but if the vast world and ominous alien structures shown in the trailer are any indication, Chief’s next outing will be as epic as ever.
2. Gears of War 5
Possibly one of the biggest surprises in Xbox’s announcements, Gears 5 didn’t just get unveiled today, it also got a huge cinematic sequence and showed off gameplay… and it looks great. The rough and tumble shooting and hard chugging action of the war against the Locusts is well-preserved from what we saw and seeing the Fenix boys back in action for a true sequel to Gears of War 4 was more than enough to get excited for more Gears.
3. Battletoads
Tapping into both heavy retro nostalgia, a rabid fanbase and some Deadpool-like sensibilities, the teaser for the Battletoads reboot will undoubtedly have fans hassling Game Stop until the amphibian trio finds their way into your living room in 2019.
4. Forza Horizon 4
Not only has Microsoft folded Playground Games into its collection of Microsoft Studios, they also debuted the upcoming Forza Horizon 4. Set in the UK and adding a new emphasis on sharing the road with other gamers in real time, Horizon 4 will bring more of the series’ signature supercars and arcade racing to Xbox later this fall when it debuts on October 2nd.
5. Crackdown 3
We have our concerns about Crackdown 3. After playing (and liking) it at last year’s E3, it was a bummer to see it get pushed to a February 2019 release. Then Microsoft played its new trailer, one where Terry Crews (and his in-game character) got us so damn pumped up that we’re, again, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to smash Crackdown 3’s world to pieces. Doesn’t hurt that the game will also be on Xbox’s Netflix-style Game Pass on launch day either.
6. Session
EA continues to hold the awesome Skate franchise hostage so we were extremely excited to see Microsoft throw down Session as a timed exclusive for Xbox. With Tony Hawk’s games having turned to utter shit of late, we’re ready to throw our support behind a new skating game that captures the visceral qualities of shredding concrete.
7. Nier Automata: Become as Gods
Microsoft mostly focused on games that were made specifically for Xbox today, but they also took the time to show off Nier Automata, a blockbuster Playstation game that’s finally making its way to Xbox later this month. The Xbox version of the dark, action RPG will include the original game, a content expansion pack and a load of character skins and drops on June 26th.
8. Gears Tactics
Steering the Gears of War franchise in the same direction as Halo, Microsoft also announced Gears Tactics. Similar to Halo Wars, Gears Tactics is a turn-based strategy game, skinned with Gears of War and should make for a good-looking strategy game that promises brutal action and big boss battles. It’s a gamble to tempt people who like Gears as a shooter over to the strategy category and will only be available on Windows 10 PCs, at least for now.
9. Ori and the Will of the Wisps
After being announced at last E3, Ori and the Will of the Wisps returned to the stage with a gameplay trailer and still looks trippy as hell with its minimalist style and side-scrolling gameplay. Easily one of the most understated games of the show, we’re eager for the sequel to build off what we loved about Ori and the Blind Forest.
10. Game Pass
This announcement didn’t get a flashy trailer, but it’s one of the most important ones for Xbox owners; Game Pass continues to get better with huge new games and classic old ones offered on a rotating basis in the subscription. Currently with Fallout 4 and The Elder Scrolls online entering the lineup and launch day access to upcoming exclusives like the previously mentioned Forza Horizon 4 and Crackdown 3, Microsoft is making the service more and more enticing to gamers who want to try out all that Xbox has to offer.