Next ‘Star Wars’ Movie Will Be Directed By ‘Game of Thrones’ Creators

L: HBO R: Lucasfilm

L: HBO R: Lucasfilm

In news that will make no one too happy right now: It looks like the next big project for Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will be Star Wars.

That’s right, when the sci-fi franchise kicks back into gear in 2022, following a hiatus after the premiere of this year’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the guys who just gave Thrones fans a crazed Daenerys Targaryen roasting the innocent peasants of King’s Landing in dragon fire will take the reins in a galaxy far, far away.

Daisy Ridley as Rey in trailer for Rise of Skywalker

BuzzFeed reports on the announcement made Tuesday by Disney CEO Bob Iger:

“We’re hard at work already, but we felt three years was the proper amount of time to not only take a breather and reset, but to gear up for the next film’s release,” Iger said at the MoffettNathanson Media and Communications Summit.

“We did a deal with David Benioff and Dan Weiss, who are famous for Game of Thrones and the next movie that we release will be theirs, and we’re not saying anything more about that.”

If Iger had made this announcement even one week ago it might have received a positive response. 

Then came episode 5 of Game of Thrones Season 8, which did not land well with anyone. Twitter reactions reflect how that—and to some, the entire final season of GoT so far—colored feelings about Benioff and Weiss getting involved with Star Wars.

So, is it gonna suck or not? What do you think? 

We’ll find out for sure when the beginning of the next, new Star Wars trilogy premieres December 16, 2022. 

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