Kristina Lum
Sport: Synchronized Swimming
“Having a male and a female compete together lets us take the sport to an entirely different level, Bill and I try to play off the passion of a man and a woman in the water so all of our movements are really close together.”
Jill Wittenwyler
Sport: Pole Vault
Pole playing:
“There’s nothing wrong with promoting sports through sex appeal. Let’s face it: Sex sells, and the women of track and field are definitely sexy.”
Nnenna Lynch
Sport: Track and Field
Woman of our dreams:
“I usually don’t wear makeup or fancy clothes, so this [photo shoot] was a lot of fun, It’s completely different and altogether a fantasy—it’s like taking on a totally different character.”
Ashley Tappin
Sport: Swimming
She likes to play rough:
“It’s every girl’s fantasy to be a sex symbol. But up on those blocks, nothing goes through my head except, ‘I’m going to tear this bitch’s head off next to me.’”
Amy Acuff
Sport: High Jump
Raising the bar:
Amy is the mastermind behind the TrackGirls 2000 calendar, in which 12 athletes posed in the buff for charity. “It was a natural union because there are so many incredible bodies in track and field.”
Mary Sauer
Sport: Pole Vault
Out of the vault:
“I love to dance and have fun, Actually most women vaulters love to party. We have a lot of crazy girls.”
Heather Olson
Sport: Synchronized Swimming
Lost by a foot:
“At the Olympic trials, there was a guy we called Foot Fetish Man because he would constantly call us and make remarks about our feet. It was really creepy.”
Dara Torres
Sport: Swimming
Intimidating beauty:
“There’s a side of me that plays pickup basketball in baggy shorts and a tank. Then I get dressed up and men won’t ask me out. Yes, I am tall and strong-looking, but I ‘m very personable.”