This New Porn Website Donates Money To Charity Every Time You Masturbate
Each time you get off, you’ll make the world a better place.

Masturbate for a good cause with a new porn website, where every orgasm does good for the world.
For each video you watch, will donate a penny to charity, so you can pleasure yourself knowing you’re helping humankind Let’s face it, there’s probably no better feeling than a smug, self-satisfied orgasm.
The masturbation money is split up between three charities, the Movember Foundation, for prostate and testicular cancer; the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, for ovarian cancer research obviously; and the Joyful Heart Foundation, which benefits sexual assault victims.
The idea for the cheeky site was born after two Stanford University undergrads, Adam Lee and James Cook, spent “a drunk night partying at frats.” You see, some college kids get tanked and do cocaine races at frat parties, whereas others use frat parties as an opportunity to make the world a better place. Kudos, guys.
“Originally, we were trying to build a Tinder for lunch, for people who didn’t want to eat alone,” Lee told the Huffington Post. Well, that’s quite a jump from a lunch buddy platform to porn. But it’s porn for the greater good, so there’s that.
The website was tested anonymously before officially launching, and raised over $1,000 “in a very short time,” Lee said. “You can do the math on how many scenes were viewed, but that gave us the confidence to move forward.”
Lee and Cook are currently funding the donations from their own pockets, but Cook says their website will get sponsors soon. And if all goes according to plan, Lee believes could potentially donate millions of dollars to charity every year.
However, there’s just one catch: users are limited to two videos per day, and need to take a 15-minute breather between each porno. But that sounds do-able, right?