It’s October– time for pies and booze! Or just boozy pie! Or a cocktail that tastes like pie but has booze! Yum!
Pumpkin Patch
From Stone Rose Lounge, Lilium, Whiskey Blue, Whiskey Park and Living Room
1 teaspoon light brown sugar
1 teaspoon honey
3 dashes of pumpkin spice seasoning
¾ ounces fresh lime juice
1 egg white of medium size egg
1 ¾ ounces 100% apple cider
1 ½ ounces Avion Silver tequila
In a shaker glass add light brown sugar, honey, pumpkin spice seasoning, fresh lime juice, and egg white. Shake vigorously until disolved and add apple cider and Avion Silver Tequila; garnish with pumpkin spice seasoning.