Ronda Rousey was on The Tonight Show Tuesday night, and after ensuring Jimmy Fallon that “of course” she’ll fight Holly Holm again following her Road House remake, the conversation turned to chicken wings—as it always should.
Rousey, a known wing devotee, hared a charming little story about visiting Hooters and getting a batch of wings for nothing. The Hooters trip in question came a month after getting knocked out by Holly Holm when she attended the Marine Corps Ball with starry-eyed Lance Corporal Jarrod Haschert. A studied fan of Rousey’s, he took her out for wings after the party. but because he’s a 22-year-old unpracticed in the art of wooing women, he chose Hooters.
Once there, Rousey encountered a waitress who didn’t seem to recognize her—maybe it was the swelling?—and began talking to Rousey about Rousey. We’ll let her tell the rest of the story and add only this: A day after watching her sob on Ellen as she recounted post-fight suicidal thoughts, it’s nice to see Rousey yukking it up again.