Ronda Rousey Has a Message For All The Men Pissed Off About #InternationalWomensDay

Well said, Rowdy.

Today is International Women’s Day, a celebration of the economic, cultural and political contributions of women to our global society. For a handful of sad sacks, however, it’s a moment to show off the lowest, most classless impulses of men by being complete and utter assholes on the internet. 

Look, we love women. We love their beauty, their elegance, their successes; this entire magazine is built on our appreciation of women, so we’re disgusted to see this sort of bullshit from modern men. Luckily for us, Ronda Rousey has the perfect bit of advice for the foolish assholes who think it’s macho or powerful to put down women:

Via @mrdeniro #quotephase happy women's day #internationalwomensday

A photo posted by rondarousey (@rondarousey) on

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You heard it here first, folks: being an asshole to your lady is the complete opposite of living like a Maxim Man — just ask your mother. On this day of celebration, make Rousey’s golden rule your own. 

Otherwise, you may be hearing from the Rowdy One herself.

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