Watch This Thrill-seeking Russian Couple Scale The Tallest Construction Site in the World

Prepare for some serious vertigo, courtesy of Mother Russia.

We’ve got to give it up to the Russians: they’ve turned ‘climbing really tall shit’ into a national sport. With this video by one young Russian couple, they’ve also turned the #relationshipgoals hashtag on its head.

This plucky, deceptively innocent-looking pair from Mother Russia trekked to Tianjin, China to climb one monster of a construction site.

One gust of wind, and they would’ve been goners.

Over 2,000 feet high, the construction site of the Goldin Finance 117 is the tallest in the world bar none. “No one has ever climbed it,” reads an introductory slide, I guess for obvious reasons.

The most mind-boggling aspect of the video is that the climbers are cuddly and lovey-dovey before their death-defying stunt. The guy even hands her a flower at one point. 

For more white-knuckle vistas, check out Angela Nikolau and Ivan Beerkus on Instagram.

h/t Sploid
