Cafeteria: New York, NY
1. Shaved Red Onion
2. Lemon Caper Aioli
3. Maple Bacon
4. Grilled Salmon
5. Avocado
6. Grandaisy Pizza Blanca Bread
7. Arugula
8. Tomato
“Cafeteria has been serving amazing comfort food to hungry New Yorkers 24/7, for over 16 years. This sandwich is one of Cafeteria’s signature dishes and reflects the restaurant’s mission by turning classic American comfort food dishes on their ear. It was an instant favorite since we added it to our menu ten years ago.” – Linda Japngie, Chef
Sandwich of the Week: The Salmon BLT from Cafeteria
How do you improve a nearly perfect sandwich (the BLT)? Make it fishy.