It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Seth Rogen, James Franco and Danny McBride got together to star in the best — and perhaps the only — stoner action movie ever made.
It was called Pineapple Express, and as the trailer reminds you in case it’s been a minute, it was truly something else…
To celebrate the weed opus’ 10th anniversary, Rogen tweeted a series of wonderfully weird behind-the-scenes facts about the movie.
Check ’em out:
In #PineappleExpress, me and my co-writer Evan had to roll all the cross joints needed to film (about 100) ourselves because nobody else on the crew could roll them properly.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
The name #PineappleExpress was around for years before the movie. It’s a Hawaiian weather system that sometimes hits the Pacific Northwest, which is where we’re from. Evan heard the name and said “that would be a great name for a movie.” Years later we found a perfect fit.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
There was NO strain of weed called #PineappleExpress when we made the movie. We said “if one day, people are out there selling weed called Pineapple Express, it worked”.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
Throughout the fight scene in Red’s house in #PineappleExpress, I broke my finger and Danny McBride got his head cracked open when Franco hit him with the bong.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
The reason Saul wears a headband in #PineappleExpress is the result of another injury. There’s a shot (that’s in the movie) when we are running through the woods, Franco hits his head on a tree. He actually hit his head on a screw that was holding a pad in place and got stitches.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
In #PineappleExpress, Red refers to his ex wife having gotten out of jail recently. There’s a pic of Red and his ex wife, who was played by Stormy Daniels.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
We wrote #PineappleExpress express for me to play Saul and Franco to play Dale. James wanted to switch roles, and I didn’t care that much, so we did.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
The shots of the dick drawings on the principals desk in Superbad was actually filmed on the set of #PineappleExpress in the woods while we were shooting Dale and Saul destroying their cell phones.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
In #PineappleExpress, Red was originally supposed to die the first time he was shot when he was tied up in his apartment, but we thought Danny Mcbride was so funny that we just kept bringing him back to life.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
While we were filming the scene where Red is taped to the chair in #PineappleExpress, Danny had to actually be taped in the chair all day and we couldn’t let him out because it took too long to put him back.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
I did my 99% of my own stunts in #PineappleExpress, (which might explain all the injuries) including this one:
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
In #PineappleExpress, originally, Red killed Matheson with a Ford Fiesta, but Ford didn’t want their car involved in a movie murder so we had to change it to a Daewoo Lanos, which is ultimately much funnier I think.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
Huey Lewis and the News recorded an original theme song for #PineappleExpress. We were inspired by our favorite 80s movies that had rock songs with their titles. Here he is performing it on Kimmel: via @YouTube
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
We DID have a smoking billboard for #PineappleExpress that got shut down by the fire department because people keep thinking it was on fire.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
The song Paper Planes by MIA does not actually appear in the movie #PineappleExpress, just the trailer.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
Of all the weird references in #PineappleExpress, my favorite is to the fact that Matheson is wearing “British Knights”, because when I was a kid I wore the fuck out of my BK’s.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
In #PineappleExpress, Saul calls his shit weed “Snicklefritz” because it’s what our practical FX supervisor would call his second in command when he didn’t like what he was doing and we thought it was hilarious.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
Kanye came to the premiere of #PineappleExpress.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
This image is not actually from #PineappleExpress, but is from a skit we shot for the Oscars that year, which was filmed by Spielberg’s DP, Janusz Kaminski.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 6, 2018
But wait! Thats not all…
Producer Judd Apatow dropped some knowledge of his own, which surprised even Rogen:
Holy Shit!
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) August 7, 2018
Finally, here’s one more: Did you know that Maxim hosted the premiere party for the film at that year’s Comic Con in San Diego?
Check out our celeb guests’ craziest weed stories: