The Sexiest Moments From “Mad Men,” in GIFs

Sunday marks the beginning of the end for Mad Men. So it only makes sense to take a look back at some of the show's hottest scenes. LET'S DO THIS.

When Betty wanted to show off a little…


When Joy, the 21-year-old, gave Don a present…


When Don and Betty went to Rome and her hair was a sexy tower on her head…


When Megan embarrassed Don with “Zou Bisou Bisou”

(YouTube/Steven Knight)

Then, when she got mad at him and cleaned in her underwear… 

(YouTube/Nikolay Angelov)

When Joan tried her hand at baking…


And when she danced with this schmuck…


And when she did this...


Basically, when Joan did anything…


Watch the premiere of Season 7 of Mad Men this Sunday, April 13, on AMC.

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