The World’s First ‘SFW’ Porn Is Now On YouTube


(Photo: Lust Cinema)

Do you like really tame porn? Do you like feet? If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re going to love porn director Erika Lust’s totally SFW Youtube porn, Do You Find My Feet Suckable?

Youtube’s rules state “sexually explicit content like pornography is not allowed,” but Lust found a way around that to post part of her porn video, by simply taking out the actual sex and nudity, while leaving all of the erotic sexual tension.

The five-minute “porno” opens with a man in a library, sketching a foot. He looks up and sees a woman sitting across the room and they exchange a couple flirty glances, before he gets up and sits across from her.

She sexily runs her foot up and down his leg, then softly asks him, “Do you find my feet suckable?”

(Photo: Erika Lust)

She intentionally drops her pen on the ground, and the man goes down under the table to “pick up her pencil,” a.k.a. lick and suck her feet like there’s no tomorrow.

The Youtube clip is a shortened version of the longer, uncensored film for Lust’s XConfessions series, but it’s still pretty hot. It’s raunchy and erotic, and you could cut the sensual tension with a knife, all without the actual hardcore sex. 

So you can definitely watch this at your desk at work. Or wait, maybe not.

(Photo: Erika Lust)

“It’s a way to show how the films can still be erotic in a more suggestive and teasing way, and to have non-explicit films that can show sex-positive attitudes where consent and relatibility are paramount.” Lust told The Mirror.

In the story Lust used as inspiration for the film, it reads:

“She asked if I would give her a foot massage, and I trembled. It’s like she saw right through me when she asked whether I liked to suck feet, and if I found her feet to be “suckable”. They were, and I assured her by sucking each of her toes.”  

Erotic, but not too erotic, right? Just you wait – it goes on:

“…she lifted her skirt and demanded me to lick her pussy before anything else. But after a time, I couldn’t resist and went down to her feet. Then she took off her blouse and demanded that I suck her tits, then again go back to her feet.”  

(Photo: Erika Lust)

Ah, now there’s the raunchy part. You can watch the entire film, hardcore sex scenes included, on the XCONFESSIONS website, if you must.

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