Shia LaBeouf Got Beaten Up For Filming Drunk British Girls

No, "Drunk British Girls" isn't the name of his new movie.

We’ve all been tempted to – and in many cases, actually do – film drunk people with our phones. And why not? Drunk people are funny! There’s always a risk that it’ll backfire, though, especially in London, where the locals tend to consider punching Americans in the face to be an enjoyable team sport. Transformers star Shia LaBeouf found that out the hard way when he tried to film two drunk women in Leicester Square (which is sort of like New York’s Times Square, only with more vomit on the sidewalk). According to the girls, he refused to stop filming when they asked, and a bystander came to their aid, punching and kicking LaBeouf until the fight was broken up by bouncers. We’re going to take a wild guess that the dialogue that took place during the fight sounded something like this:

But wait, there’s more! Maxim has obtained exclusive video of Shia LaBeouf attempting to escape his attacker. Warning: It’s pretty hardcore stuff.

Photos by JB Lacroix / Getty Images |Licensed to Alpha Media Group 2013

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