SnoBar Cocktails

Raising the Bar really high for awesome inventions!

Brand:SnoBar Cocktails

Why You Want It: Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’m going to invent something and it’s going to be the greatest invention ever!”? Well, we’ve got some disappointing news for you, son. SnoBar has already beat you to it. Their SnoBar Cocktails mix two of the greatest things in the world: booze and ice cream. The Cosmopolitan Ice-Pop blends vodka, triple sec with cranberry for the perfect frozen buzz. The Margarita Ice-Pop tastes like a refreshing Cinco de Mayo party in your mouth! Brandy, almond liqueur, and creme de cacao make up the Pink Squirrel (don’t look that up on Urban Dictionary before you try it). The Grasshopper gives you a nice minty buzz and you can count on the Brandy Alexander for something chocolatey… and sophisticated. SnoBar is now available at several Las Vegas locations, so be on the lookout!

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