Sony Is Working on a Special Glove Controller for the PlayStation Virtual Reality System

Remember the Nintendo Power Glove?

What use is a virtual world if there’s no good way to interact with it? While the HTC Vive VR has a special set of controllers, and the Oculus settles for an Xbox One controller, Sony’s solution for their PlayStation VR might be a bit more out-of-the-box.
According to the U.S. Patent Office, Sony has filed a trio of patents for a “glove interface object” that would allow for individual finger tracking. 

This new system would allow for the full meld between what the eye sees and what you can actually control with you gestures, drawing players more fully into the virtual worlds they’re exploring. Here’s what some of the hand controls might look like, according to Sony’s filing:

The patents were filed on October 17, 2014, right around the same time Sony revealed the PS VR, then known as Project Morpheus. Who knows if it’s actually in development, but it would make sense if we saw it sometime soon. Although the Dualshock 4 controller for PlayStation 4 is more than likely adequate to control games in VR, Sony has yet to describe in detail exactly how they intend their VR to function and to what extent the player will be interacting with their virtual worlds.

As Sony hasn’t released any media featuring their possible virtual reality glove, we leave you with an artist’s interpretation of what gameplay might look like while using this product — courtesy of the legendary Nintendo Power Glove, of course:

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