‘Star Trek Beyond’ Drops a Fandom-Friendly Second Trailer

We go deep with enough aliens and explosions for everyone.


The first trailer for Star Trek Beyond was indeed an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride, but some fans of the franchise didn’t like it—they feared it looked like new director Justin Lin’s vision was still a little too Fast & Furious for even the revved up and rebooted Trek universe.

A second trailer released late Friday tried very hard to alleviate those concerns and it may have done just that. There’s a ton of action in this new Trek trailer, sure, but there are also some of the juicier elements of the best parts of the well-received first alternate timeline film, including direct callbacks to moments in the 2009 Star Trek. We see malevolent aliens, at least one possibly benevolent and strangely beautiful alien (the intense Sofia Boutella as “Jaylah”) and plenty of shots of Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk looking suitably determined and distressed. 

Frankly, this got us pretty stoked to give the new film a look. Hopefully when Star Trek Beyond premieres on July 22nd, it will fulfill this trailer’s promise and wipe away the bitter taste of Star Trek Into Darkness left in some fans’ mouths.

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