Watch the New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Actors Freak Out Over Their Own Trailer

The Force is strong with these ones.

Yes, the third and final Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer dropped during Monday Night Football. Yes, the beautiful, sweeping jaunt across the universe brings us face to face with our beloved characters, from a tearjerker reunion between Leia and Han Solo to a (fleeting) glimpse of Luke Skywalker gloves hand. Yes, the entire internet is freaking the fuck out.

But nobody is freaking out more than Daisey Ridely and John Boyega, the next generation of franchise superstars. We’d assume that the two didn’t have a ton of input into the editing and post-production of the film, so it’s likely they’re seeing this big, beautiful return to a galaxy far, far away for the first time just like us — and they are loving it.

Here’s Boyega:

A video posted by @john_boyega on Oct 20, 2015 at 12:02am PDT

Ridley, however, had a somewhat different reaction.

A video posted by @daisyridley on Oct 19, 2015 at 8:06pm PDT

The Force is strong with these ones — but yeah, I’d cry too. 

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