‘Stranger Things’ Fans Are Obsessing Over Chief Hopper’s Perfect Hawaiian Shirt

Awesome ’80s “Dad Style” that would make Magnum P.I. jealous.


As perfectly portrayed by David K. Harbour, beleaguered yet heroic Hawkins police chief Jim Hopper has become TV icon. With the premiere on July 4th of Stranger Things season 3, he became a fashion icon as well, thanks to the Netflix hit series’ usual strict attention to period detail.

The uglyass pastel Hawaiian shirt is coming back, we’re pretty sure, and we’ll have Hopper to blame.Β 

Harbour and Winona Ryder

Hopper’s look was partly inspired by Magnum P.I., the classic detective show starring Tom Selleck–which Hopper is seen watching at one point during one episode.Β 

Amy Parris is the show’s costume designer, and she gave Fashionista the low-down on this particular choice:

“I found a great image of Tom Selleck in the iconic moment of Magnum in the Hawaiian shirt, the light denim Wrangler jeans, a canvas belt and topsider shoes,” explains Parris, put her own twist on that look for Hopper’s night out and added a light beige blazer. “But later he loses [the topsiders] and puts on his work boots that he likes and wears that through the rest of [the season].”

To make five multiples of the shirt, Parris bought the last 20 yards of a vintage ’80s fabric and custom-printed each one in an original pattern designed by the team. (The graphics even needed to be in the exact same location on each shirt for continuity.) “David liked the idea of being able to roll the sleeves of the shirt up, just so it’s a little bit more ’80s feeling,” she adds.Β 

Social media reactions make it clear fans are into the look.



So… if you’re looking for a “Hot Dad” ensemble to rock, Hopper’s shirt is unfortunately not on sale–yet.

Give it time, though. And if you’ve been through the decade once already and aren’t feeling a thrill about anΒ 80s fashion rebirth, maybe don’t blame David K. Harbour after all; blame Stranger Things.

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