Just when it seemed DC’s apparent antihero stinker Suicide Squad couldn’t get any worse, Rick Ross and Skrillex go and release a ridiculous comic book-based music video for it.
“Purple Lamborghini,” one of the lead tracks off Suicide Squad‘s soundtrack that most likely is paying homage to the Clown Prince’s on-screen ride, features a lot of screaming amid shots of a speechless Jared Leto in full Joker garb. He encounters the DJ/rapper duo in a strobed out, hazy club before ending the night on a high speed boat, headed god knows where.
Watch the video above, and if you haven’t seen Suicide Squad just yet, hope that it’s much better than this 4 minutes of utter confusion. As Leto’s character had most of his scenes apparently left on the cutting room floor, making his villain a glorified cameo, this will give you a bit more of the Academy Award-winning actor in Joker form. Hopefully he will now be able to use his talents elsewhere.