This Rick Ross and Skrillex ‘Suicide Squad’-Inspired Video is All Kinds of Wrong

Where the hell is Harley Quinn?

Just when it seemed DC’s apparent antihero stinker Suicide Squad couldn’t get any worse, Rick Ross and Skrillex go and release a ridiculous comic book-based music video for it.

“Purple Lamborghini,” one of the lead tracks off Suicide Squad‘s soundtrack that most likely is paying homage to the Clown Prince’s on-screen ride, features a lot of screaming amid shots of a speechless Jared Leto in full Joker garb. He encounters the DJ/rapper duo in a strobed out, hazy club before ending the night on a high speed boat, headed god knows where. 

Watch the video above, and if you haven’t seen Suicide Squad just yet, hope that it’s much better than this 4 minutes of utter confusion. As Leto’s character had most of his scenes apparently left on the cutting room floor, making his villain a glorified cameo, this will give you a bit more of the Academy Award-winning actor in Joker form. Hopefully he will now be able to use his talents elsewhere.

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