Sure, you’ve got the 116″ flat screen that hasn’t even been released yet, the speakers that have already caused your elderly neighbors to call the police, and the oversized couch made from the skin of only the cutest of baby seals, but have you thought about what’s really important: What snacks are you going to put on the table? We hit the supermarket and put our editors through a rigorous blind taste test of snack foods to help you decide what to bring home for the big game on Sunday. Enjoy the final, and maybe most important, face-off of the 2013 NFL football season.
Brand: Miller
Price: $1.67
Score: 3.33
Verdict: Perfect to harken back to those wild college partying days, for those of you in a mid-life crisis.
“I love it with my tongue”
“Brand guess: Smart Water”
Brand: Coors
Price: $2.00
Score: 4
Verdict: The banquet beer just missed first place, but its watered-down “football-tastic” taste keeps in right in the middle.
“Not awful”
“Its football-tastic”
“Tastes like water…Must be Coors Light.”
And The Winner is…
Brand: Budweiser
Price: $2.49
Score: 4.08
Verdict: Budweiser seems to be best choice, but with a sub-.500 score, you might be better off with the fancier brews.
“Tastes like cheap beer – must be American.”
“Where’s the keg?”