Watch The Hilarious Surprise Trailer For ‘Deadpool 2’ That Premiered With ‘Logan’

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Video Still/Fox

Video Still/Fox

We don’t know a lot about Deadpool 2  yet. It’s supposedly going to involve the villain known as “Cable” and—obviously—star Ryan Reynolds. Otherwise we’ve only heard about changes in directors and several actresses who might end up playing Domino

Ryan Reynolds just can’t wait, though. He and Stan Lee shot a funny trailer meant to prime audiences for the return of the Merc With the Mouth and it’s been rolling at the beginning of the otherwise super-serious final Wolverine film, Logan

The gist of the trailer, which does indeed include the requisite appearance by the legendary Lee, is that Deadpool is not Superman. It includes the memorable music from the original Christopher Reeve Superman films and a phone booth. 

You’ll have to watch it to see what happens, and it’s worth the watch. 

Deadpool 2 premieres March 2, 2018, and we’re with Ryan Reynolds—that’s way too long to wait.

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