Susan Sarandon Wants To Become A Porn Director
The 69-year-old actress is *really* branching out.

Forget acting, Susan Sarandon finally wants to make her directorial debut…but not with some lame rom-com or Oscar bait-y prestige drama – but with a porno. That’s right, Susan Sarandon wants to direct porn.
On Monday at the Cannes Film Festival, Sarandon told The Times she thinks the porn industry is too male-focused and lacks female perspective, and that directors approach sex scenes from the “wrong direction.”
That’s why she wants to take matters into her own hands, and create artful, sensual porn that speaks to the complicated minds of women.
“Most pornography is brutal and doesn’t look pleasurable from a female point of view. So I’ve been saying that when I no longer want to act, I want to do that,” she said, hinting at directing porn where porn stars don’t have sex, but they make love, and tenderly caress each other. Aww.
“The moment that gets you into bed, and the moment after” are the best parts of porn, she added, and went on to say that the actual sex part isn’t even that important.
“The middle? Well, a lot of people know what’s in the middle. But what makes a sex act really interesting is how that first touch happens, how that first kiss comes. Those moments need to be looked at.” That sounds like an entirely new and highly emotional genre of porn, but okay.
Nevertheless, we’re looking forward to Susan Sarandon’s new-fangled,romantic, female-oriented porn. Coming from a woman that sexy, it’s bound to be good.