How To Look Like You Were At The Thrilla in Manila

Because you were totally there in '75, right?

Forty years ago today, Muhammad Ali beat Joe Frazier in their third and final fight. And unlike basically anything Floyd Mayweather is involved in, the match lived up to the hype. Ali said it would be a “killa and a thrilla and a chilla, when I get that gorilla in Manila.” Forever more, it was just known as the Thrilla in Manila.

What, you weren’t there to buy a t-shirt commemorating the event? No sweat: Roots of Fight has you covered. The company makes retro-inspired gear celebrating combat sports. (It has plans to expand into other sports soon.) And although it’s done no advertising or marketing, it’s become a favorite of fight-world celebrities: Check out their shirts , , , and .

Now, to celebrate the Thrilla’s anniversary, it released a line of tees, tanks, pants, shorts, and even a sleeveless hoodie. Here’s some of the best, starting with this 70s-as-could-be jersey:

This looks like you got it off eBay, except it doesn’t stink for 40 years of previous wear:

Sleeveless hoodie, as promised. The image of the boxers’ faces is taken from some promotional images at the time of the fight:

Pour one out for the guy who lost by TKO:

And, of course, some boxing shorts, so you show up at the gym looking legit:

Photos by Main image: Michael Loccisano / WireImage. Clothing photos courtesy of Roots of Fight

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