Every week, we send someone stumbling into the dark Maxim archives to see what we were up to way back when. This week we’re going back to April of 2001, when smart phones were non-existent, Final Destination was only on its first installment, and clunky video cameras were a must-have item.
Cover Girl: Ali Larter
Where You’ve Seen Her: When Ali Larter graced our cover in nothing more than a shredded A-shirt and briefs, she was most known for the lust-worthy whipped cream bikini she sported in the teen dream film Varsity Blues. After fulfilling every guy’s fantasy, she moved on to darker roles in films such as House on Haunted Hill, Final Destination, and American Outlaws.
Where She Is Now: At 36-years-old, Ali is still super hot and making movies people actually want to see. With previous roles including Tracy Strauss on Heroes (alongside the gorgeous Hayden Panettiere) and Claire Redfield in the Resident Evil series, and three new movies debuting this year, we can’t help but keep her on our radar. But with all of her ongoing success, our favorite is still the 2009 flick Obsessed with Beyonce Knowles. Two hot girls in one movie getting scrappy over some dude?! Sounds like a recurring dream we’ve had since puberty.
What the Cell?
It’s hard to remember a time before iPhones, but unfortunately we can’t forget those thick monstrosities that were the earliest cell phone models (think Zach Morris-style). Those were soon replaced by that Nokia everyone had, but by 2001, we were entering the age of the flip-phone. Enter this article. While the tagline boasts that these babies have web access and MP3 capabilities (a big deal, since we lived in a hellish world without iPods), it’s this quote from the article that has us scratching our heads, trying to remember what the good ol’ days were really like:
“So you’re walking down the street talking to your bookie on your cell when the reception…starts…cutting…out on…you…Or maybe you’ve dialed a 900 number only to have that vixen’s voice sound like Barry White gargling mucus (“Mmm, deeper and deeper!”).”
Sure, the references to bookies and 900 numbers make it feel pretty dated. But more importantly, who the fuck is Barry White?!
Grab Bag
A mini lie detector thingy, a camcorder, and a digital golf scorecard the size of a Buick were just a few of the now-worthless items featured in the issue. Let’s just say that sounds like the worst – and heaviest – grab bag ever.
Throwback Thursday: Sept/Oct 1997
Hot Girls Inside Maxim’s Sack: Bonus NFL Edition, Part One
Throwback Thursday: April 2001
Check out what we were up to in April of 2001. Don't worry, we'll leave out our middle school class picture.