In news so weird it sadly has to be true, it appears that “neighborhood watchman” George Zimmerman and, er, eccentric rapper DMX will be attempting to solve America’s racial tensions by participating in a televised “celebrity” boxing match. We don’t really have the words to express how we feel about this, so we’ve gathered ten of the most insightful tweets about the situation. God help us all.
I imagine George Zimmerman was hoping for a Celebrity Boxing opponent of the "Screech," "Mini Me" variety. #DMX
— Chris Regan (@ChrisRRegan) February 5, 2014
DMX is going to have to knock him out. If it comes down to a judge's decision, you have to like Zimmerman's chances.
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) February 5, 2014
I envision DMX's training for the Zimmerman fight looking a lot like Pookie's rehabilitation in New Jack City.
— friendless waltz. (@fastasleep000) February 5, 2014
I've played enough Def Jam Vendetta to know that DMX is really good at fighting, way better than Redman or whoever.
— Tom Breihan (@tombreihan) February 5, 2014
DMX: When Zimmerman opens his mouth to call you a slur, punch him in it. When his pants fall down, work the body.
— The Shogun of Sorrow (@DGoddamnGlover) February 5, 2014
The only thing I will say abt GZ and this boxing match is that my prayer is for the superhuman crackhead strength to be revealed in DMX
— Moderna The Stallion (@Nothinbuttreble) February 5, 2014
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