There’s been talk of a Top Gun sequel for some time, but on Wednesday Tom Cruise, star of the 1986 film, made it official: Top Gun 2 begins filming in 2018.
The New York Post reports Cruise dropped this cinematic bomb during an interview on an Australian TV show. Asked if the sequel was actually going down, the actor said, “It’s true. Yeah, it’s true.”
“I’m going to start filming it, probably in the next year,” Cruise continued, “It’s happening, it is definitely happening.”
Okay, it isn’t necessarily a bombshell. After all, in 2016 Cruise told a U.K. talk show host there were discussions about it. As the Post notes, producer Jerry Bruckheimer essentially said it was in the works in January, 2016.
Just got back from a weekend in New Orleans to see my old friend @TomCruise and discuss a little Top Gun 2.
This is great news if you’re a fan of the original film, which probably as much as any movie he did in the 80s sealed Cruise’s rep as an action hero. His wild but talented fighter pilot became one of those touchstone film characters, and the movie itself inspired more than its fair share of new military enlistees at the time.
Few other details are known about the sequel at the moment, but you can learn more about the original here. It’ll be time to fly with Maverick again before you know it.