Listen to Tom Hardy Spit Fire on Unearthed Rap Track From His 1999 Mixtape

Tom Hardy Promo
Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

We already knew that Tom Hardy could spit a verse or two thanks to his viral “baby rap” video from 2012.

Now, a Redditor has uncovered an 18-track mixtape the actor recorded in 1999 from a bedroom, and it’s actually pretty damn good. Listen to its lead track, “We Make the Beats,” below:

Ed Tracy is credited with writing and producing Falling on Your Arse in 1999’s trippy jazz-fusion beats. 

It’s tough to make out a lot of the lines over Hardy’s thick accent, but the lyrics definitely have a braggadocious tone.

At 2:25, a sample of some chick snorting coke plays for a solid 25 seconds, so there’s also that. 

Pretty much everyone who commented on the thread dug it.  

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Listen to the full album on Bandcamp if you feel so inclined, and check out a couple more Tom Hardy raps below:

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