Watch This Incredibly Cheesy Scientology Music Video

One of the best parts of Going Clear, in its full glory.

Going Clear, the fascinating Alex Gibney documentary (adapted from the Lawrence Wright book of the same name) about Scientology’s troubling truths, premieres on HBO on Sunday (8 EST). It’s so damning of the church’s controversial origin and practices that the church launched an aggressive, albeit comically bad, Twitter smear campaign against Gibney.

As a whole, the movie is an engrossing, disturbing look at one of the world’s most puzzling religious groups. One of the best parts, however, is its use of “We Stand Tall,”  a cheesy nineties Scientology promotional video. Going Clear only plays clips of it, but the entire video is online. It features a worldwide tour of various Scientology members, along with a whole sequence of church leader David Miscavige and other top-ranking members singing its eponymous chorus. It’s like “We Are the World,” but far more deranged: 

Pro tip: If you don’t want to appear to be a cult, don’t release a music video that makes you look like you’re a cult.

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